Being Authentic In Business

Being authentic is a great secret weapon. A strategy.

My guest is Erin Hatzikostas, b Authentic inc Founder.

She walked away from being a CEO her own company.  Urged on by a conversation, a comment, made to her by a fellow airplane passenger (you have to listen to the episode to find out what it was!).

But what we can tell you is that it inspired her to continue her professional journey, and discover that authenticity is unique. What can we do to change “the fake” to move the authentic needle in corporate America?

To keep moving, you need to be 50% uncomfortable.

The good news is that authenticity is contagious.  We must model it when we see it, and continue to pass it along to those that follow. In her new book, You Do You(ish), she expands a very cool acronym, H.U.M.A.N.S.

And a big thanks to her for mentioning one of my past episodes, Defining Success – Does It Have To Be The C-Suite?

Erin Hatzikostas is the friend, mom, coach, guru and boss you always wanted, all rolled into one. Erin became a corporate CEO at the age of 42 — yet she smashes open the executive mold.  She is most regarded for her Midwestern-inspired, unpretentious, witty, and authentic style of leadership. She is a career coach, speaker (TEDx 2020!), podcast co-host, author, MBA, runner, wife, mom of two, and someone who is not afraid to dance in public.  ​

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

It’s 2021. So What?

It’s a new year and it’s a new day.

But it’s the same stuff right now. It’s just a new year.

In the past, a new year generally meant new beginnings.

You reset.

It was this big sigh of relief.

But I think right now, it’s different.

In my reading over the holidays, I came across something. I decided to have my first life statement.

And I even went so far as to get a customized wall hanging of this statement. It’s in a big frame in my home office, where I spend about half of my time now. It’s a focal point when you walk in.

Being strong speaks of strength, but being courageous speaks to having a will to do more.

Last year was hard and exhausting. It seemed like everything was exhausting. But being strong portrays that you are confident. And you’re resilient. It’s an instinct that just kicks during all of those circumstances.

So I look at being strong. It speaks of strength. But being courageous speaks to having a will to do more and overcome.

The reality of 2021 is, nothing is different. That’s why this episode is titled as it is.

It’s just a different day.

This episode explores more about my 2021 life statement.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Now What? Pt 2

2020. It’s not quite over. But Now What?

It’s a question I think we should be asking pretty constantly as we navigate through these times.

In this episode, we’re going to talk a little bit about reflection and embracing the last two actions from my Now What, Pt 1 episode, Assessing and Moving.

The basics of business haven’t changed through this time. And one of those basics is marketing.

I work with Betty Clark of CPMedia with my marketing. My interview with her covers a lot of ground. I know you there lots of marketing tips you will come away with from this interview. Don’t hesitate to contact her, and tell her you heard my interview with her. She can be found at CPMedia & Marketing.

As Betty Clark explains about CPM…

CPM has been in business for close to 30 years now. Throughout the years, we’ve discovered that a lot of businesses just simply lack the time and expertise in marketing their company in a way that’s going to get the results and the phones to ring. At CPM, we take a company’s budget and their goals and we use our marketing expertise to create a marketing plan. Then we implement them through that plan, through the use of traditional and digital advertising tactics, so a business can stand out from their competition and they can get more leads, which is going to turn into customers.

Ultimately, you’ve got to embrace the new day. It’s here, ready or not. It’s been here; it’s not gone. This has been hard for me. This has been one of the toughest things for me to grasp as a business owner, as a mom, as a wife, as a church member, any of it.

It’s been hard.

I don’t want this new day. I still don’t want this new day, but as we know, “life is like a box of chocolates.”

I’ve always been amazed at the resilience of the people in our country. I believe that if you keep asking Now What? and be ahead of it, no matter how the year closes and what the New Year brings, I think that you will have some success that you will really enjoy your life.

After you listen to this episode, go to and look up Betty Collins, my podcast will be right there. There will be handouts that summarize all this.

I’d love to talk to you about it, because it’s something that I’m passionate about. Because when the marketplace works in this country, the country works. Right now, it needs businesses to work. It needs employers to have success.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Categories: confidence, leadership, marketing Tags: Tags: ,

Now What? Pt 1

We ended this decade on such a high note. I began 2020 with a lot of optimism. I didn’t think anything could get in our way; the marketplace was just roaring, and at this amazing speed. Not only Wall Street, but also Main Street, they were just hitting records.

But by the 1st of March and as March unfolded, I’m attending a board meeting at Brady Ware, where I’m on the board of directors to discuss corona; not the beer, but the coronavirus, and later renamed, of course, COVID-19. Our CEOs were saying, “How is this going to affect our business and should we be making plans?” I thought, “What for? What would we need to possibly do with this?”

But but we were ahead of the game, and on March 16 we were sending our employees home and restructuring how we did business. We were certainly not out of business, but we were certainly doing it differently.

Life absolutely stopped on a dime.

CPAs were considered essential, and so, I was in our office. There was no traffic. There was no one in the parking lot. I was here for mail and phones and different things while our people were home, safe. It was a lot of craziness; new wardrobes of masks and gloves; and “Wine with DeWine” became a big thing in Ohio.

We had endless days of phone calls. I felt like they would never end, especially in that first 30 days. Overwhelming legislation started taking place, and the word unprecedented – which I can hardly take – I have changed it to ‘for such a time as this’. It sounds better than unprecedented times.

I’m asking the question every day, now what?

As a business owner and leader, I was amazed, as usual, at the resilience of the marketplace, not just in Columbus, but in the country.

The resilience of business owners, and our leadership from the federal to the state, to local levels. We go from this roaring speed to an absolute, screeching halt.

And even so, we jump in, as opposed to jump off.

We learn, we read, we apply for dollars, we use the word “pivot” every day. But not just for business, our personal life too.

By mid-year, the roller coaster ride had slowed down for some businesses and owners. We were getting a little more comfortable, till those things called “spikes” came into play. Then June and July brought assessing the damage. It’s like, “The tornado went through. Now, what do I have?”

The impact was both negative and positive. I think many of my clients are amazed at how they’re doing.

I think others are devastated.

But whether you are devastated or the opportunity was just amazing, we’re tired. We’re all tired, I think.

So, now what?

Fortunately, the basics of business have not gone anywhere, it’s just the approach. In our personal lives, I think it’s been a more of an assessment of what is important.

We start by taking a deep breath and focusing, and we put our energy into actions. I’m going to talk about these actions you need take…

  • Know
  • Assess
  • Move
  • Reflect
  • Embrace

These are all actions, and it means you have to do something.

After you listen to this episode, go to and look up Betty Collins, my podcast will be right there. There will be handouts that summarize all this.

I’d love to talk to you about it, because it’s something that I’m passionate about. Because when the marketplace works in this country, the country works. Right now, it needs businesses to work. It needs employers to have success.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

The Value of Forward Thinking

You’ve got to be a forward thinker.

You’ve got to be proactive if you want to move forward and get through the “what ifs” when they come. Forward thinking is not always easy. It might not be your personality. So you’ve got to at least have somebody on your team who’s a forward thinker, who can push you to do more, think bigger.

In this episode, I speak with Jill Frey, President / CEO at Cummins Facility Services. I consider her the definitive forward thinker.

Cummins Facility Services (CFS) is a national multi-faceted facility management company servicing Fortune 500 companies across the US. CFS is a 100% women owned enterprise.

Cummins provides services including janitorial, landscaping, snow removal, HVAC, security, floor care, and light maintenance to manufacturing plants, retail stores, medical facilities, schools, corporate offices as well as the hospitality industry. Jill took over leadership of the family business, which began in 1972, after graduating from the University of Toledo in 1994.

About being a female in a male-dominated business category…

So in my opinion, it’s all about respect. You’ve got to stand your guard and you’ve got to really stick up for who you are. I’ve been in this industry literally my whole life. And people can try to say that they can bully me around. But I started in this industry rolling up my sleeves and working with my employees. I know how to do it. I know how to strip and waxer. I know how to do all of that. And that’s gotten me so far ahead. I get so excited about my industry and my employees and my people and what’s going on. And I think if they don’t take me seriously, it’s going to come back on them.

Jill talks about how have she navigated through this COVID-19 time, and what she thinks that this industry will look like in the future…

It has changed our life. And the quote that I like to use for this is what 9/11 did to buildings, COVID-19 is doing to disinfection and facilities. And I truly believe that. Nobody’s had a guidebook. No one’s had a book of “this is what you do here.” It’s never existed before. And so we had to reinvent that.

And her clients are appreciating her outlook, her forward thinking and quick action…

Our clients were telling us that the information that we were sending out is the best information that they are getting from any of their sources. It was amazing. We’ve had so many clients sending us letters of thank you, presidents of companies. Thank you so much for cleaning our facility.

And she ends our interview with three great quotes, and here is one of them…

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Defining Success – Does It Have To Be The C-Suite?

So many people think success is they’ve made it to the C-suite.

The C-suite is not the only success that is out there in your career in business, so I want to talk about that in this episode.

What might be a better definition of success? How about this (not mine, but well worth sharing) – “Put your heart, your mind, your intellect, and your soul, even into every small act.”

That is a secret of success. Anything that you do in life, give it 110 percent.

My idea of success has changed a lot over 55+ years. Success depends upon the season you’re in. Your 20’s are different than your 30’s, and different than your 40’s, and different than your 50’s. Every season has been different for me (and will be for you), so success looked different in every season (and will be for you).

I enjoyed my career more, I think, because I wasn’t always shooting for being number one.

Being number one is not for the weak. It’s a tough place to be. I still had success because I had a different impact, and influence, and most importantly, I enjoyed and seized the moments in my life outside of the corporate four walls.

I’ve listened to Will Ferrell’s 2017 commencement speech to USC several times.

USC is where he attended. He talks about his success, of course, with all humor involved. He talks more about his 16-year marriage, his boys, his charity. He talks very passionately about the USC family, but he really talks about his journey getting there.

He doesn’t start out by saying, “I was on Saturday Night Live.” He doesn’t talk about, “I’ve made all these movies.” He’s just happy with other things besides being the number one, and all the different things that come along with that.

We can’t all be in the C-suite.

Many of us, first of all, are not meant to be there; we’re not leaders. The good news is you can enjoy success outside of the C-suite.

By the way, top leaders need followers. We can learn from them, and probably we have similar characteristics.

How do we learn from those in the C-suite?

Ask yourself “What does a C-suite person do? What is their success?”

They prioritize. Because when you are number one, you cannot do everything. We can do that (prioritize) in any situation. They get to the point. They drill it down. They make a decision. They go forward. They probably ask a lot more questions. They get a lot of good advice from all around them.

Decisions have impact, so those in the C-suite have to make good ones, because there’s a lot of people relying on them. Trust is at the core of everything with a successful C-suite person. If you don’t have that team and support, you can’t do it.

We all have different career goals to achieve success. There’s nothing right or wrong, and success is measured differently by all of us.

Unfortunately, we tend to obsess over our goals and our career. Most of us do. All the career goals and the success you have, whether you’re in the C-suite, or you’re just going to occur in your own world. All of those goals are valid. So, no matter where you are, focus on yours, and stick to yours, and not to others.

Here are some definitions of success that you should not ignore.

  • Success is always doing your best.
  • Success is learning that you sometimes have to say no and really being careful when you say yes.
  • Success is learning.
  • Success is understanding you cannot keep what you don’t give away.
  • Success is overcoming fear.
  • Success is being loved and loving back.
  • Success is standing your ground when you believe in something.
  • Success is not giving up.
  • Success is never letting a disability hold you back and understand that you control your destiny.
  • Success goes way beyond the C-suite.

Ultimately, you define success, and you enjoy it. Have a good journey, and don’t be consumed in the destination, especially to the C-suite.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Strategies For Success Using Your Own Leadership Style

What does successful leadership look like? There’s so many definitions out there, but we’re well aware we’re desperate for good leadership.

When you look at successful leadership, you look at people who are pretty open and honest; good communication skills; they connect with that team member; they encourage personal and professional growth; they don’t just think that they are the only ones that should be learning and doing.

They make others better around them for sure, keeping that positive attitude. Nothing worse than working for a downer, right?

They teach employees instead of giving orders. It’s a huge, huge mindset. Some people just don’t have that ability, but that’s a successful leader. That’s what they look like.

But what about your own style in your leadership? Not everyone should be doing it the same. If you’re going to be a good leader, and you’re trying to be somebody else, you’re probably not going to be effective. You’ve got to find your style in the midst of all of it.

You’ve got to know your values. They’re traits upon which your reputation is built. They affect how you will consciously and subconsciously lead.

You’ve got to know what your strengths are. Chances are, you’re a leader because you have those certain strengths. A lot of times those strengths, too, are your weaknesses, so you have to be careful, but leverage them.

You’ve got to define your uniqueness. What sets you apart? Why are you so special?

What are your true-to-the-core motivations? In fact, what would people say you’re motivated by? When you’re figuring out your style, find out your motivation. Then, you’ve got to observe the leaders and peers around you. Who do you admire right now? Who do you look up to? But you’ve got to be you at the same time. It’s not that impossible.

Successful leadership is all about influence. It’s having followers and getting it done. But doing it on your terms, with your style, is even better. It’s the only way to do it.  


This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Haley Boehning – Storyforge

“When you have a story — the right story — everything changes. Customers become evangelists. Employees fully engage. Decision-making simplifies. Innovation accelerates. And marketing costs go down.” That’s what you find when you go to Storyforge’s website. I had the honor of interviewing Haley Boehning, Co-Founder and Principal of Storyforge.

“We call it a meaningful story.” And that’s what she does best.  Help businesses find their story, their higher purpose.  And when their clients discover it, it’s, as she puts it, “knock over the table” time and run out to tell the world.

I talk to Haley about:

  • The Storyforge story
  • Her story
  • The Storyforge concept and what their clients do with their story to make a difference
  • Why women can’t wait around
  • What she has learned from being a business owner
  • What would today’s Haley tell a younger Haley if she had the chance
  • Conscious Capitalism and its four tenets


This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Silencing Your Self-Doubt

“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt” – William Shakespeare

Self-doubt is fed by your inner voice and, of course, is self-inflicted.

This podcast is very personal, which is probably why it took me a while to write it.

If there’s one struggle that I have had in life, it is probably self-doubt. The continual questioning that ends up paralyzing me, which results in me doing nothing and not going forward.

  • The first step is to tackle the inner voice that is feeding and fueling your self-doubt. You’re the key to controlling that. Here are a few things that I came up with that have worked for me.
  • Stay strong and be resilient even in the tough days, in your rough times. Handle criticism and the negative people who lash out at you in a more understanding and level-headed way.
  • Stop dragging yourself down by always comparing yourself to other people and their lives. Oh, yes, the comparison game.
  • Become more assertive by simply saying no. We don’t do that well, do we, ladies? Say no to things that are going to add to your self-doubt, or take away confidence, or take from you moving forward.
  • Replace perfectionism with healthier and happier habits.
  • Talk back to your own inner critic. Have a two-way conversation now in your head. Talking back is okay, because sometimes you got to shut it down.
  • Find your most important dream and set your goals.

Work hard. Play hard. And your success should be celebrated. You deserve it, because you earned it. It’s okay.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Finding And Owning Your Voice

Finding and owning your voice.

Strengthening your inner confidence.

It’s your identity expressing itself. It’s your personality, and it’s your individual message to the world.

I believe that there is power in that feminine voice, and it’s missing in too many conversations. From the business environment – your office, the marketplace, the boardroom, to politics, and in our homes. If we are there, it’s so crucial that the voice is heard.

In this episode, I hope to help you to move forward in owning your voice, and claiming that power.

Of course, if it’s only for the greater good.

You first have to recognize you probably have something valuable to say. You have to be strategic, though, about what you say and when you say it. Don’t speak for the sake of speaking. Be sure that you speak thoughtfully, in an engaging manner, when you want to be heard.

Words really matter.

People’s perception and how they’ve heard you is your of choice of words. Speaking isn’t just saying what you want. Speaking isn’t just having your voice. Words matter to make things happen.

You must be willing to speak up when something goes against what has a deep value for you. Silence in those moments really talks about your character. And be prepared for possible backlash when you do. Criticism comes with being a leader, regardless of your gender. The labels, and the name-calling have very little to do with you, personally. It’s really about how uncomfortable you’re making some people. Don’t take it personally, and just move on.

When you’re finding your voice, it’s one step at a time. Slow and steady.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.