Category: personal strength

The Value of Mentors, Pt. 1

I have two women who completely inspired me at an event that I attended for the Women’s Small Business Accelerator. The WSBA has a gala every fall, and Brady Ware & Company is a big supporter of that organization.

Merry Korn and Sheryl Marrero told their story of how they came together. They started out together as mentor-mentee through a six-month program with the WSBA. As women business owners, we need to be inspired by other women business owners. So I really want them to tell a little bit about their journey together. And then we’re going to talk about mentoring, being a mentor or a mentee.

Merry is the owner of Pearl Interactive Network, Inc., and Sheryl is the President of SavKon Construction.

We cover a lot of ground in this episode, including how and why Sheryl needed the mentor relationship that Merry had to offer to help her with her business debt.

I was in a large deficit and so I was referred to the Mentor Match program through the WSBA. I ended up at the table with Merry. And although her business was totally different from mine, I instantly felt trust in her. And that was one of the things I had hoped for and prayed for, for a mentor who I could trust.

Find out what made the difference in turning her business around, and more detail about Merry’s Wellness Checkup Plan.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social, and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

2021. It’s A Wrap.

This is my last podcast of 2021.   It is hard to believe that another year is behind us, 2022 is really upon us.  So today I want to celebrate this last year.    How do you celebrate in today’s world?   Today’s world is consuming and overwhelming and really more negative than positive.   So, how do you celebrate?  First, you make the choice to celebrate and second it take times and daily effort.  What you will find in celebrating, you will see that “today’s world” is not all negative.   Be consumed in the positive.   Take time to think and ponder on it.   It takes effort.  Be overwhelmed or grateful for the good. Celebrating this past year, end it with a bang.   Enjoy the Christmas season.  Don’t fill it up with “stuff” but enjoy, sometimes it is just the simple stuff.   Just don’t miss out.   Live it up, eat, drink and be merry as well as reflect, renew, and restore your soul.  Ring out New Years by being with the people you love, throw a party.   Sit back and look over the past year and be grateful for the good, the bad and the ugly. A recap of 2021. Business was good, relationships are strong, family is going well, health is awesome.  We have learned to navigate through the continual pandemic.  Covid is not over but we are fighting it and seeing better numbers. Schools are back in session.  Businesses continue at home or in the office.  Recreation and fun was done at capacity over the summer.  Government is still working – LOL  We survived an election and saw people really engaged – my own district had so many people running and town hall meetings were full.  Love seeing the debate and passion.   A challenge for you. Celebrate 2021 by choosing to be consumed and overwhelmed in the good and end it with New Year’s on your terms. Bring back what you are missing and make sure it is part of 2022. Thanks for listening and being part of my podcast and my life.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

It’s 2021. So What?

It’s a new year and it’s a new day.

But it’s the same stuff right now. It’s just a new year.

In the past, a new year generally meant new beginnings.

You reset.

It was this big sigh of relief.

But I think right now, it’s different.

In my reading over the holidays, I came across something. I decided to have my first life statement.

And I even went so far as to get a customized wall hanging of this statement. It’s in a big frame in my home office, where I spend about half of my time now. It’s a focal point when you walk in.

Being strong speaks of strength, but being courageous speaks to having a will to do more.

Last year was hard and exhausting. It seemed like everything was exhausting. But being strong portrays that you are confident. And you’re resilient. It’s an instinct that just kicks during all of those circumstances.

So I look at being strong. It speaks of strength. But being courageous speaks to having a will to do more and overcome.

The reality of 2021 is, nothing is different. That’s why this episode is titled as it is.

It’s just a different day.

This episode explores more about my 2021 life statement.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.

Strategies For Success Using Your Own Leadership Style

What does successful leadership look like? There’s so many definitions out there, but we’re well aware we’re desperate for good leadership.

When you look at successful leadership, you look at people who are pretty open and honest; good communication skills; they connect with that team member; they encourage personal and professional growth; they don’t just think that they are the only ones that should be learning and doing.

They make others better around them for sure, keeping that positive attitude. Nothing worse than working for a downer, right?

They teach employees instead of giving orders. It’s a huge, huge mindset. Some people just don’t have that ability, but that’s a successful leader. That’s what they look like.

But what about your own style in your leadership? Not everyone should be doing it the same. If you’re going to be a good leader, and you’re trying to be somebody else, you’re probably not going to be effective. You’ve got to find your style in the midst of all of it.

You’ve got to know your values. They’re traits upon which your reputation is built. They affect how you will consciously and subconsciously lead.

You’ve got to know what your strengths are. Chances are, you’re a leader because you have those certain strengths. A lot of times those strengths, too, are your weaknesses, so you have to be careful, but leverage them.

You’ve got to define your uniqueness. What sets you apart? Why are you so special?

What are your true-to-the-core motivations? In fact, what would people say you’re motivated by? When you’re figuring out your style, find out your motivation. Then, you’ve got to observe the leaders and peers around you. Who do you admire right now? Who do you look up to? But you’ve got to be you at the same time. It’s not that impossible.

Successful leadership is all about influence. It’s having followers and getting it done. But doing it on your terms, with your style, is even better. It’s the only way to do it.  


This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

Remember to follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.  And forward our podcast along to other Inspiring Women in your life.