No One Will Value You More Than You

Do you feel unappreciated, undervalued, overbooked, underutilized, or overlooked? Maybe you think you’re an afterthought? I would challenge you to step back and ask a simple question.

“Do I value who I am?”

Better yet, if you don’t value who you are, why should anybody else?

Tough questions. But you need to answer them if this is something resonates with you. In this episode I want to talk about the importance of value and who you are.

And if you want to be valued by others, it really does start with you.

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Insights page at Brady Ware and Company.

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